We believe that education is the key to human growth, so we share ideas and knowledge every chance we get!
Our classes are offered virtually or in person and are lead by our Founder, Katherine McCord, or other trusted Neuroverse members.
Understanding The
Human Octopus
This presentation takes you through understanding the neurodiverse mind, how to best communicate with human octopuses, and how to best cultivate this talent!
This class is designed for groups or organizations.
Cultivating Vulnerability:
Disclosure and Tough Talks
Learning to be vulnerable and effectively ask for what we need is tough. This interactive presentation teaches the curiosity approach and how to achieve successful vulnerability.
Embracing Your
Neurodiverse Mind
So I'm different... Now what!? This interactive facilitation will take you through embracing your wonderful mind from learning your patterns and accommodation to finding your super powers!
Solving The Neurodiverse
Job Search
Looking for that great career that will let you soar?... How can you best showcase your talents and succeed in the linear interview process?...
This class will teach you how to do it!